Together, with The Food Trust and The Reinvestment Fund, PolicyLink created the nation’s first comprehensive healthy food access retail portal.

The Healthy Food Access Portal harnesses a vast array of data and information to support the successful planning and implementation of policies, programs, and projects for advocatesentrepreneurs, and stakeholders to improve access to healthy foods in low-income communities and communities of color.

Common Market Case Study: Rebuilding a Regional Food Economy and Increasing Access to Healthy Food


Common Market is a regional food hub whose mission is to increase the availability of local, sustainably grown farm food throughout Philadelphia and surrounding areas. This case study provides an in-depth look at Common Market's growth and development, including efforts to build financial sustainability.

Healthy Food, Healthy Communities - Expanded Version


Helps advocates, policymakers, community-based organizations, residents, and other stakeholders replicate and create successful models for ensuring that all communities have access to healthy food and the wide range of benefits it brings.

Grocery Store Attraction Strategies: A Resource Guide for Community Activists and Local Governments


Provides nuts and bolts resources to help communities organize a coordinated strategy for grocery store attraction in low-income communities.

The Grocery Gap: Who Has Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters


Presents the most comprehensive review of studies of Health Equity and Place and its impacts -- 132 studies conducted in the United States in the past 20 years.

Growing Urban Agriculture: Equitable Strategies and Policies for Improving Access to Healthy Food and Revitalizing Communities (Full Report)


A vibrant movement is changing the landscape, economic outlook, and vitality of cities across the country. The recent recession affected many low income communities -- taking with it manufacturing centers, jobs, and people while leaving behind abandoned homes and vacant lots. Now a new crop of urban farmers, along with activists, and community organizations are turning that land into productive use and turning around their communities.

Economic and Community Development Outcomes of Healthy Food Retail


Illustrates the connection between improved healthy food access and resulting economic and community development, encouraging readers to include assessment of economic outcomes in their healthy food access research agenda, and provides evidence to support decision makers in advancing healthy food policies.

Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters: A Review of the Research


A new joint report by PolicyLink and The Food Trust, Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters: A Review of the Research, underscores healthy food access as the foundation necessary for reaping the positive benefits associated with healthy food. (Summary)

Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters: A Review of the Research


A new joint report by PolicyLink and The Food Trust, Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters: A Review of the Research, underscores Health Equity and Place as the foundation necessary for reaping the positive benefits associated with healthy food. (Full report)
