People of color are disproportionately affected by Covid-19 and its economic fallout. We are working to make sure that medical care, emergency relief, and longer-term recovery efforts target the people and places in greatest need by advancing an intersectional equity policy agenda for federal, state, and local leaders driven by Principles for a Common-Sense, Street- Smart Recovery, and bringing a sharp focus on the racial implications of the crises through a weekly commentary and media analysis project.
Find out more. Follow us on social platforms, #COVIDandRace
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Announcing the Equity Blueprint

Recovery Principles


A Message from Michael McAfee, President & CEO
Above all else, when so many are suffering from this health and financial crisis, we must commit to a recovery that benefits all people, including people living in or near poverty, and to restructuring our democracy and economy so it works for everyone. The novel coronavirus — Covid-19 — with its multiple infections and deaths confronts us with a threat we must discharge. The challenge of the virus and the disease it causes is a wake-up call about our need to be vigilant, about seeing ourselves as one nation, and our need to work together.
More than 100 million people, most of whom are people of color, have struggled to make ends meet even before the outbreak of this pandemic. And their needs will be no less necessary of consideration as the nation moves forward. Leaders must meet this crisis with the truth about what the nation needs to stabilize, rebuild, and prosper. And there must be an unequivocal commitment made to change the rules of the game to reverse toxic inequality, remove the burdens and barriers of structural racism, and commit to rebuilding a just and fair nation for all.
I look forward to your feedback and your suggested agenda items for moving forward.
In struggle and solidarity.