Housing Justice on the Ballot: Policy Pathways for Just Housing Futures

October 13, 2022

Increasingly, we are seeing localities play a leading role in changing the housing landscape to create just housing futures. Campaigns across the country have utilized a myriad of tools to change policy: through the ballot, an ordinance, legislation, or a court order. But each pathway has its own challenges and benefits that are unique to each jurisdiction. This webinar discusses the various means local leaders have utilized to craft just housing policy, build power, and advance racial equity. Click here for webinar slides.


  • Moderator: Jasmine Rangel, Senior Housing Associate, PolicyLink
  • Ballot Initiatives Researcher: Ben Kelley
  • Guest Speaker: Mitra Jalali, St. Paul Councilmember, Keep St. Paul Home Rent Stabilization Ballot Initiative Campaign
  • Guest Speaker: Jen Snyder, Co-Founder of Red Bridge Strategies, San Francisco Right to Counsel Campaign