An Equity Profile of the Omaha-Council Bluffs Region

This profile is an update to the original profile released in December 2014 to help Heartland 2050, a community-driven initiative working toward a common vision for the Omaha-Council Bluffs region in Nebraska and Iowa, implement its plan for equitable growth. The Omaha-Council Bluffs region continues to undergo a demographic transformation that has major implications for how the region charts a future of sustainable, inclusive prosperity. Communities of color – particularly a growing Latino population – are driving population growth in the region, making their ability to participate in the economy and thrive central to the region’s success. Our updated analysis finds that closing wide racial gaps in income could have boosted the regional economy by nearly $4.8 billion in 2015. Read the profile, summary, and view the press release.
Media: Heartland 2050: "Everyone Prospers" Event Set for Wednesday (KIOS 91.5), Report Paints 'Stark' Picture of Economic Consequences of Omaha Area's Racial Gaps (Omaha World Herald), Study: Not Everyone Benefiting From Strong Local Economy (Daily Nonpareil), As Demographics Change, Groups Look to Increase Equity in Opportunities (Omaha Public Radio)