Our Campaigns
At the core of the Alliance for Boys and Men of Color are the campaigns we lead to change state and local policies and systems that are failing boys and men of color, their families, and communities.
To date, we've passed more than 100 bills in the California legislature, advanced racial justice and equity in school districts and cities across the country, and supported the civic leadership of our partners. Learn more about our past campaign wins.
The key issues that the Alliance works on include:
- Creating safe and thriving communities by ending cycles of violence in relationships and communities by addressing root-causes of harm including toxic masculinity, poverty, policing, and unequal access to resources.
- Building economic security so nobody experiences the injustice of poverty.
- Fostering educational equity by dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline and fostering the strengths, academic success, health, and healing of every student.
- Moving from mass incarceration to divestment and decarceration through investments in community, not punishment; and eliminating harmful, racist policies and practices in the criminal legal system.