Dolores Acevedo-Garcia

Dolores Acevedo-Garcia is a Samuel F. and Rose B. Gingold Professor of Human Development and Social Policy, and Director of the Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University. Her research focuses on the social determinants of racial/ethnic inequities in health; the role of social policies in reducing those inequities; and the health and wellbeing of children with special needs. Dolores is also project director for, a comprehensive research program and indicator database on racial/ethnic equity in child wellbeing and opportunity across multiple sectors and geographies, funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In 2017-2019, Dr. Acevedo-Garcia was a member of the congressionally-mandated National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) Committee on Building an Agenda to Reduce the Number of Children in Poverty by alf in 10 Years that produced the 2019 landmark report A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty. In 2020-2021, she was a member of the NASEM Executive Committee for the Response and Resilient Recovery Strategic Science Initiative developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to inform crisis response and recovery across US society. She serves on the Health Equity Advisory Committee for the journal Health Affairs. She is on the editorial board of Cityscape, and served on the editorial board of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, and Social Problems.